This class will be held via Google Meet. Each week, the teacher assigns an exercise based on readings from the concurrent Craft Class. Students begin taking Craft Class after four terms of NYC Advanced Poetry. Students bring weekly exercises to class and provide feedback to a few of their classmates. Everyone receives weekly feedback from the teacher. During the weekly class meeting, the teacher also reviews the next assignment, discusses technique, and answers questions. Through both the readings and exercises, the class challenges students to recognize what makes a poem engaging and entertaining to the reader. By focusing on technique, students uncover and connect with the emotional truths that most compel them to write. Many students are turning their exercises into completed works and publishing poetry in literary journals and anthologies. NYC Advanced Poetry is open to students who have poetry publications, an MFA or four post-graduate writing courses, or have completed Level 2 at The Writers Studio. Places in this workshop are awarded on a case-by-case basis.

To apply, please write to the workshop teacher, Peter Krass at [email protected].


Writers Studio Teacher

Peter Krass

Peter Krass has taught at The Writers Studio since 2007, and he’s a former member of the school’s Master Class. Peter’s poems have appeared in journals including Adirondack Review, Atlanta Review, New Verse News, Rattle and South Carolina Review. He’s the poetry co-editor of an anthology, The Writers Studio at 30. And his poetry chapbook, “My Sixties,” was recently published by Finishing Line Press.

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