Online Flash Fiction (Marcusa) - Spring 2025 / Starts Mar 26
Meets 6 Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. ET via Google Meet
Taught by Andrea Marcusa
Price includes all fees
Are you curious about this very short story form? Do you have a story you want to tell in about 1,000 words? Flash fiction is a fun challenge for any writer, and it’s a great way to explore different narrative styles and techniques.
In this six-week class, we’ll look at several examples of very short fiction. Each week, you will write a short, complete prose piece modeled on a writer’s example. The teacher chooses these exercises from a variety of contemporary authors. Then, during a live Google Meet session, students' work is read aloud and feedback is offered. The teacher then leads a discussion of a new technique to be used the following week and answers students' questions. The Google Meet sessions are not recorded.
This class is open to anyone curious about flash fiction, whether you consider yourself a fiction writer, a creative nonfiction writer, or a poet. All levels welcome, whether you are a novice writer or long-time Writers Studio student. Come dive into the exciting world of flash!
Students who have taken three or more terms of a six-week class are eligible for Level 2 or an Intermediate class.
Andrea Marcusa
"Every week, I presented a new story. Finally something did click, the very thing that’s their specialty at The Writers Studio, emotional content. Before, my work was dead. When I brought in my breakthrough story, I felt I was carrying a weird animal in my bag. It was the first story I sold."
Jennifer Egan, former Writers Studio student, Winner of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction