This level is for students who have completed two terms of Online Level 1 and are eager to learn more about craft.

The weekly routine is much like that of Level 1, but the exercises and discussions delve more deeply into narrative and poetic techniques. Students begin to identify these elements in their own work, and they begin to explore new elements of craft, such as creating a narrative tone of voice that offers a contrast or tension to the underlying emotion.

You can take this class using any device that connects to the Internet, though students find computers and tablets more comfortable than phones. Technical support is available throughout the course.

This eight-week class features a weekly, one-hour long class via Google Meet or Zoom.


Writers Studio San Francisco Director

Gail Ford

Gail, a graduate of Stanford, teaches poetry, fiction, essays, Art Speaks to Art, and CD Wright’s hybrid writing. Gail loves thinking, talking, and laughing with writers about writing, and welcomes all to “try this, try that” as a playful means to both deepen access to our material and engage the reader. Her work has appeared in the NOYO River ReviewCarquinez Review, Minotaur, and Northern Contours and has been anthologized in An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind, and A Ghost at Heart's Edge, Stories and Poems of Adoption.

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