Online Maintaining Your Creative Spirit: Writing Through Challenging Times (Bellamy) - Spring 2025 / Starts Apr 16
Meets 6 Wednesdays 7:00 -9:00 pm ET via Google Meet
Taught by Lisa Bellamy
Price includes all fees
How do you write in the midst of the constant disruptions of this present political climate, without ignoring them? How do you honor your inner life and address and acknowledge external chaos? Writers have always dealt with these questions, in the best and worst of times.
During six classes, students will write exercises using the personas of nonfiction, poetry, and fiction writers, such as Joy Harjo, Mark Twain, Czeslaw Milosz, Eduardo Galeano, Ilya Kaminsky, Ross Gay, Martin Espada, Patricia Lockwood, or Claudia Rankine as sources of guidance and inspiration. Students will be asked to do exercises borrowing these personas and others in order to seek the fragile truth through the lens of these imaginative alter egos.
Lisa Bellamy
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