Writers over 50 will broaden their mastery of the memoir form and discover new ways to present the facts of their lives.

Writing a memoir after the age of 50 can be a great way to take stock, whether you’re writing to get published, leave a record for your friends and family, or simply clarify the past for your own edification.

Unlike novels, short stories and poems, the memoir requires a writer to stick to the truth, the actual sequence of events as they happened, the hard facts and figures of their lives. But memoir writers, just like the authors of those more freewheeling genres, still need a strong narrator and compelling narrative technique.

This six-week online workshop is open to all writers over the age of 50 who are interested in writing their memoir. Each week we’ll do close readings of memoirs written by writers over 50, spanning a wide range of narrators and narrative approaches. Then you’ll try these narrative approaches with your own material, broadening your mastery of the memoir form and discovering new ways to present the facts of your life.


Writers Studio Teacher

Susan Tatiner

Susan Tatiner’s poetry has appeared in Artemis, Litchfield Review, Voices Project, Front Porch Review, and other publications. She has authored one chapbook, Traitors Bluff, and is currently completing a second manuscript. She studied English literature at New York University, and has trained to teach at The Writers Studio with Rachael Nevins.

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