Do you have flash fiction, short stories, essays, or short creative nonfiction that’s almost ready to submit to literary magazines? Could your work benefit from a fresh set of eyes to help you polish it up before submitting it to literary journals for publication? If so, then this class is for you.

During this six-week online class, students will have the opportunity to submit 1-2 pieces of completed work (depending on class size) to their teacher and fellow classmates for feedback. Writers will receive line-level edits as well as feedback on the work’s overall readiness for publication, including important topics such as:

Is there a clear small story and large story?

Is the narrative voice effective and compelling?

Does it hook the reader's attention at the beginning?

Does it start at the right place?

Is the ending satisfying?

Are there places that confuse the reader or lose their interest?

Beyond the feedback they receive on their own work, students will also learn a great deal from assessing the readiness of each other’s work during the course of this class.


Writers Studio Teacher

Janelle Drumwright

​​Janelle Drumwright has been teaching with The Writers Studio since 2012 and is the former Assistant Director of The Writers Studio Tucson (she now lives in San Diego). Her work has appeared in Moon City Review, Necessary Fiction, and Naugatuck River Review, among others, and she has received two Pushcart Prize nominations. She’s been the Production Editor at Carve Magazine since 2019 and was on the reading committee at The Masters Review. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Arizona and a certificate in narrative medicine from Columbia University. Find her at

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