Writers often find their richest material in their everyday lives. This material is easy to overlook as too pedestrian because it’s hard to see what’s so close to us. The exceptional poet James Schuyler revealed his longing for home in writing about his breakfast and Yannis Ritsos revealed his and his fellow prisoners’ anguish in exile in writing about daily life in a prison camp. In this six-week class, we’ll try out different narrative and persona techniques that will enable us to access our own material, finding ways to write about our deepest longings even in the details of our everyday lives.

Please note there will be no class on Monday, May 13.


Writers Studio Teacher

Francesca Moroney

Francesca Moroney (she / her) enjoys teaching Online Level 2 and Online Memoir for The Writers Studio, where her students and colleagues never fail to amaze and inspire her with their courage, creativity, and craft. She currently writes poetry, creative nonfiction, and book reviews, and her work can be found in Rattle, Los Angeles Review, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, and Aesthetica Magazine, among other, online literary journals.

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