What makes a funny piece of writing funny? And how can you enhance your own writing with humor?

To address these questions, this workshop will investigate the writing techniques that make funny stories, novels, poems and memoirs so funny. Each week, we’ll closely examine a different piece of writing, exploring in depth how the writer has created a persona narrator capable of making readers laugh. Then we’ll borrow these same techniques, applying them to our own material and earning laughs of our own. Critiques will be offered as well to help students sharpen their humor even further.

This six-week workshop, conducted online via Google Meet, is open to all writers of fiction, poetry and memoir looking to either create humorous works or inject their more serious writing with moments of humor. No previous Writers Studio classes are required, though of course former Writers Studio students are welcome to join the fun. This workshop will be taught by Peter Krass, one of The Writers Studio’s long-time teachers and a former member of the school’s Master Class.


Writers Studio Teacher

Peter Krass

Peter Krass has taught at The Writers Studio since 2007, and he’s a former member of the school’s Master Class. Peter’s poems have appeared in journals including Adirondack Review, Atlanta Review, New Verse News, Rattle and South Carolina Review. He’s the poetry co-editor of an anthology, The Writers Studio at 30. And his poetry chapbook, “My Sixties,” was recently published by Finishing Line Press.

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