This class is held via Google Meet and is only open to students who have taken at least four terms of Memoir and/or by permission of the teacher.


Writers Studio Teacher

Sylvie Bertrand

Sylvie Bertrand's stories and poems have appeared in Peregrine Journal, Epiphany, Cleaver Magazine, Chaleur Magazine, Alexandria Quarterly, and December magazine, among others. She was nominated for the 2017 Pen / Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers, received a 2018 Pushcart Special Mention, and was a finalist for the 2019 Jeff Marks Memorial Poetry Prize. Sylvie is the co-founding editor of Cagibi, an online and print literary journal. She studied with Philip Schultz at The Writers Studio and has degrees in Communications and Literature, Political Sciences, and a MA in Anthropology from Princeton University. She is currently completing her first novel.

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